Seminar on GIG Workers in Hyderabad
Dr. Suresh Babu, Director, NRR Centre, CR foundation, Hyderabad.
A seminar on the GiG economy, conditions of GIG workers titled “GIG Economy: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Solutions “was organized by Neelam Rajasekhar Reddy Research Centre, CR Foundation in Hyderabad on 4th January, 2025. A few GIG workers engaged in food delivery and cab drivers, All India GIG workers Union leaders and others participated. This was the first time such an intellectual, expert level interaction with the participation of stake holders was organised in both Telugu states on this vital subject.
Welcoming the participants of the seminar, Dr Suresh Babu, Director of the Centre informed that GIG economy was playing a significant role in the retail service sector of our economy today. According to Niti Aayog and experts, the GiG economy has rapidly grown in the country during the last decade with an estimated turnover of $ 450 bln (approximately Rs 37 lakhs crores) and employs 77 lakhs of temporary workers and freelancers. The workers are mostly employed on digital platforms such as Uber, Ola, Swiggy, Zomato, Amazon, Flipkart and others. In India, this number is estimated to grow up to 2.35 Crores by 2029-30 or 4.1% of the total work force. Yet, the workers remain unorganized and often facing hard working conditions lacking minimum pay and other benefits. He further remarked that exploitation of workers by capitalism became even more severe under digital capitalist system today.
Dr. Kingshuk Sarkar, Faculty Member in GoA Institute of Management & Former Labour Administrator in the West Bengal Government explained illustratively with data, about the size, labour employment in the GIG economy and it’s vital role in the nation’s economy. Commenting on the employment relations in this sector, he said that they are hazy and ambiguous. In its present form, gig economy does not provide any labour rights and it is exploitative. He highlighted the importance of more workers favourable labour codes. There is a need to establish basic employer-employee relationships and need to provide minimum rights to workers in GIG sector, by mandating labour laws applicable for gig and platform workers. Dr Sarkar called the trade unions to play an important role in this process.
Development Economist, Dr PSM Rao said the neoliberals economic policies the government implementing since 2014, have led to jobless growth and casualization of the employment. He further said that the gig economy is a clear manifestation of these policies. The working conditions of increasing number of gig workers with no job security is very disturbing. Their incomes are very low, uncertain, do not operate under employer employee arrangement, and no redressal mechanism exists to address their demands. They are a kind of bonded labourers but the employer is invisible and inaccessible to them. He underlined the emergence a new and effective exploitative system that has evolved under the gig economy.
Shaik Salauddin, General Secretary, All India Gig, Platform & App based Workers Union portrayed the prevailing perilous working conditions of gig & platform based workers in the transport & food sectors. For the last 10 years, Salauddin said, their union has been fighting for legal rights of gig workers including cab drivers of Uber, Ola and Autos, for the improved labour terms & conditions while negotiating with both state & central governments, legitimate rights on social security, medical treatment, insurance, fair treatment by employers and etc. He called upon all trade unions cutting across political parties to come on to a single united platform to fight with the governments demanding comprehensive & fair laws to guarantee gig workers their legitimate rights in the society.
The highlight of the seminar was the active participation of Swiggy, Zomato delivery boys, cab drivers in the proceedings. The participants had an eye opening interactive discussion with them on various problems faced by GIG workers.
AITUC leader Com Venkatesh shared his experiences of flagging jointly with Mr. Shaik Saluddin and other leaders of GIG unions problems of gig digital platform workers and exhorted the need for an united plan of action. Gig worker unions highly appreciated the Neelam Rajasekhar Reddy Research centre for their support and organizing the seminar.
