On the occasion of 29 th death anniversary of Com Chandra Rajeshwera Rao, on Sunday morning Com D. Raja, General Secretary, CPI , chief patron, CR Foundation, former MP and Dr K Narayana, National Secretary, CPI & president of the foundation paid floral tributes to statue of CR at CR foundation. Among others included were K Ramakrishna state secretary, AP Council, CPI, Kunamneni Sambasiva Rao, Telangana state secretary, CPI, Palla Venkata Reddy, General Secretary, CR Foundation, V Chennakeshava Rao, Treasurer, PJ Chandrashekara Rao, K Sreenivas Reddy, Editor, Prajapaksham, Chennamaneni Venkateshwara Rao, Dr K Rajani, Director, Medical Center, D.Krishnakumari, Director, Women’s welfare Center, T. Suresh, former Indian Ambassador to Armenia, Prof.Jandyala Prabhakar, eminent educationist and Vemulapalli Kiran were among who garlanded statue of CR.
D. Raja, General Secretary, CPI,& Chief patron of CRF, while addressing on this occasion has stated that though Com CR is not there physically but in the form of his goals his presence is amongst us and it will be always. Com CR fulfilled his responsibilities as general secretary of CPI for a longer period and he is ideal to every one of us. We all will strive for fulfilling his aims and that will only be befitting tribute to him. CR Foundation is functioning well with the inspiration of Com CR on his name.
Dr K Narayana, National secretary, CPI, president of the CRF, while addressing has stated that with the inspiration of Com Chandra Rajeshwera Rao, CR foundation is established and under the auspices of foundation, old age home, Neelam Rajashekara Reddy Research center, Medical Center, women’s welfare Center etc are functioning successfully.In the future also many more social service activities will be organised. We will strive to fulfill his aims, Narayana has pointed out.
Old age home advisory committee member, Somuri Tukaram, Dr P Saraswathi, Rajender Rao, Manager Srinivas , old age home residents, popular cine actor Kakarala etc have paid floral tributes to statue of Com Chandra Rajeshwera Rao.
